
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cure the Cabin-Fever Blues!

Yesterday I went for a lovely evening walk with my family as we enjoyed the warmest day we've had in 2014. We broke the 50 degree mark here in the Midwest, and after being pummeled with blizzard after blizzard, it was a much-needed change!

Now I sit looking out my window at the newly fallen 8 (YES 8 MORE!) inches of snow whipping across one neighbors yard to the other as the winds howl as if to whine about it as much as I am!

So what to do, but check out some fun activities the kids and I can do to pass the time till spring can finally wedge its way into our reality!  I stumbled on a website I just had to share, as I know many of your little cabin-fever-infected munchkins are as desperate for new, interesting activities as mine.

Tammy over at Housing A Forest has an unbelievable website that is so well organized and chock full of amazing art projects and fun experiments for kids, I just had to tell you about it! Ideas from
Exploding Peep Geysers

to Elastic Band Launchers

to Starburst Candy Sculptures

Amazing, right? I haven't even shown the kids yet, but I'm so excited about this website that even I might forget what's going on outside my windows!

1 comment:

  1. Awe you are too kind. Thanks so much for featuring my site. We are a Midwest family too, and can totally relate to cabin fever;) Thanks again
