
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How-To Writing

I'm sure many of you have seen the "How to Blow a Bubble" pins on Pinterest. Well, I just had to do this with my little guy who is obsessed with gum!

We started our week by using this FREE How-To Writing kit from the Down Under Teacher

Our first practice story was about how to make a bowl of cereal.
Then how to make a PB & J

Then came the fun... how to blow a bubble. Here we are in front of the mirror, trying to see exactly what our mouths were doing so we could put our process in to words.

Insert hysterically laughing mom here!

...still trying...

Final result: no bubble, but a really cute paper and fun memory!


  1. Love this idea! My kids have been trying to learn to blow bubbles all week, so this would tie in perfectly :)

  2. Baby is so cute. Almost every kid has been trying to learn to blow bubbles. I really impressed with your idea. Now its time to avail Kabou taxi cab services in Southfield Mi for more information.
