
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekly Wrap Ups 9/20/13 and 9/27/13

Well, this is a two-week wrap up. I caught a nasty cold last weekend and spent most of my time in bed so blogging just had to wait. So here's a recap of our last two weeks.

For art this year, we are using See The Light Art Class DVDs. While my second grader isn't quite at this level, he usually participates as best he can. This week, there was a bonus lesson using chalk pastels. Here are my 5th and 7th graders' masterpieces. Beautiful!

Miss 5th Grade is doing Apologia's Human Anatomy course this year and we had an experiment relating to Ancient Egypt to compare an apple that was left out for a week untouched and one covered in baking soda and salt.

Her hypothesis was that the apple in the soda and salt would be preserved and the other would rot. However at the end of the week, here's what they looked like! The 'preserved' apple actually shrank to about half its original size!

This week, we made an edible cell out of Jello and Candy! Our most delicious science experiment yet!

 Completely unrelated, but had to put in this Lil' Bitty Snake we found on our back patio :) My little vet-to-be was cooing like it was a newborn baby! Mom, however, drew the line on bringing this little 'sweetheart' into the house!!!

For our state studies, we covered Vermont and New Hampshire and on our pizza state food/movie Friday night we dined on pancakes with real maple syrup and splurged on delicious Ben & Jerry's ice cream. So yummy.

Week two included Connecticut and Rhode Island. After our books and notebooking pages, we took a video tour of the Newport Mansions and all the "Whoa!" and "Oh yeah! I want to live there!" from my kids was hilarious. Since Connecticut is the home of the first hamburger, we had a yummy meal of hamburgers and Coffee Milkshakes in honor of Rhode Island. Then we had to wind down some very hyper children!

Last week's Magic School Bus science topic was backyard habitats and we got to make this cool bird feeder that we hung from our porch. Little man was excited to see birds swooping down to our porch to check it out!

This week's science topic was the Rainforest. We read A Rainforest Habitat, watched the Travel With Kids episode on Costa Rica (If you are studying Geography with younger children, you HAVE to check out this series!), saw the video and did the quiz on BrainPop Jr, and made a Rainforest in a Bowl to see the water cycle in action! Unfortunately my "all-boy" 7-yr-old wiped out on his bike and slid across our gravel drive in between building it and getting to see the water droplets so it was a little less awe-inspiring than I'd hoped.

Adding some rainforest animals
A slight damper on our week! 
Best buddies that make it all better. Teddy and our newest family member: Bamboo the panda

Well, I hope you all had a safe and healthy couple of weeks!

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