
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up 9/13 (Vacation)

Crazy title? What, vacation already??? Yes! Since we started homeschooling, our tradition has been to sneak away early every September for a little family vacation once the kids are all back in school and the 'tourist' places are all deserted. It's one of our favorite perks of homeschooling! Just before we left, we saw this little leaf-bug. Crazy how much it looks like a real leaf, right! I just had to include this little guy in this week's post. He even flies! Those little 'leaves' are actually two sets of wings. My kiddos were totally enamored with this awesome dude!

We headed off to a little cottage on the beach where we had the whole lake to ourselves. We had 5 kayaks which we used until we blistered our hands - so much fun! This beach-side firepit is where we roasted marshmallows and hot dogs and we had such a great time getting away from it all that I totally zonked out at 7:30 the first night, in my clothes and all! Aaah, the sea air!

My little man came up with sand tic-tac-toe. How fun is that?

 A scenic pic with me and my kiddos.

And oh so timely as we are studying the New England States - We climbed the 82 stairs to the top of this lighthouse. I also had to carry my little guy the whole way up these 125 year-old, open metal circular stairs because he is afraid of heights. Well, this lady isn't too fond of them either, but what's a mama to do? Dad, however, carried him down those 82 stairs. I confess, my thighs were sore for two days.

So how did you spend your week? I hope everyone is settling into their groove and things are working well!


  1. One of my favorite things about homeschooling is that we have the flexibility to do things like travel! We have a place very close to where you were and it's SO beautiful this time of year!

  2. I really wish we could do that. I am trying to plan one but unfortunately I will not be able to bring my older kids along. They are in Community College soon to transfer and have no flexibility. They both groaned when I mentioned the trips we will be going on with the little ones without them.

  3. I too love traveling in the early fall. Not only cause we homeschool and can go when everyone else is gone, but because it's just so beautiful. Our kids are 9, 6 1/2, 3, and 10mos. So we don't travel a lot right now. And especially not far from home. But soon, I've promised the girls, soon we'll have more flexibility to travel again.

  4. Hi I need help I can't use the link for magic school bus any ideas

    1. Hello Kerri! Sorry about the trouble with the links. If you look at the top of my blog, there is a header link labeled "MSB Plans" Many of the lessons are already there, and I am continuing to finish the list. If it's easier, just click this link to access the page. Hope you enjoy it!

  5. wondering if its possible to view science projects for magic school bus?
