
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Free Science Plans Using Magic School Bus DVDs

As I researched my options for my son's 2nd grade science, I poured over book after book and option after option. Many just seemed way over his head, some were just too pricey and others, well, just looked like they sucked all the fun out of science! All the while, my little man continually asked, "Mom, can I watch one more Magic School Bus, pleeeeease?" Hmmmm, lightbulb!

So, I spent HOURS pulling together a plan for him to use these DVD's as a basis for his science curriculum.  First, I purchased the entire 40 episodes of MSB for less than $40. Or, if you already have a subscription to stream Netflix, you can view all these episodes there!!! A wonderful reader has posted a list in the comments below to to let you know where to find each episode. Thank you, Tawnya!

I have included a reference on the plans for which disc to use each week, what the topic is, a book to read aloud, a project or experiment, a BrainPop Jr video (optional), and a writing assignment for each topic. The books, I request from my local library, the experiments are inexpensive and easy to do (most from Pinterest, yeah Pinterest!) and the writing assignments are all from great teachers and bloggers on Teacher's Pay Teachers - nearly all of them free! I even lined up some fun activities by the season like light at Christmas time, hearts and circulation in February and constructing a leprechaun trap in March.
A glimpse of ANTS week materials
This is not a full-proof curriculum, and comes with no guarantees. I just thought that after all the work put into this, it would be a shame to have it used for only one child! So this is my gift to all of you! I believe I have triple-checked all the links, but if you happen to run into an issue, please leave me a comment below and I will be sure to correct it.

If you would like to try this out for yourself, grab a copy of the file HERE

If you decide to use the plans, either in part or as a whole, would you be so kind as to leave a comment below?


  1. Thanks for putting this together! It sounds wonderful. I tried to look at it but Google drive says we need permission.?.?

  2. This sounds fabulous! I'm doing something similar with The Bernstein Bears' Big Book of Science and Nature for my daughter's kindergarten year.

    1. We also have the Berenstain Bears' Big Book of this something you have already created or something you are working on?

    2. I have not used that book, but appreciate the suggestion. We've already begun our school year, so my schedule is rather full for now, but I will take a look at it and perhaps plan for that sometime as well.

    3. I know this is a long shot but did you have any success with the Bernstein Bears science book? I just ordered this for my daughter and looking for some suggestions.

    4. Enchanted Homeschooling Mom put together a year of science around the Berenstain Bears science book. I'm not sure if it's free or in her lifetime subscription section, which I think is around $15.

  3. WOW!!!! just got it! You did an amazing job! Thank you soooo much!

  4. Just downloaded (I procrastinate - we start today lol)
    Thanks so much!!

  5. So Sorry, I just found a couple of errors in the first few disc numbers listed. I corrected them if you'd like to re-download. My apologies!

  6. Misty Nealy mom4nealys@yahoo.comAugust 19, 2013 at 2:15 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Thank you for this! I bought the MSB DVDs last spring anticipating using them this fall but hadn't gotten around to making anything happen with them myself. You are a blessing to me and many others! May I please share your blog with other homeschool families?

    1. I should clarify - I don't have a blog, but we are a military family and there are several military family friends who homeschool too. I'd like to share this with them on a facebook page we are all a part of. I will give you all the credit and link here to your page. :)

    2. Missy, thank you for your sweet words! I am so glad this helped you - that is truly my goal with this blog. I love to share all the great things I make and find with those who could use it as well. I would be honored to have you share this with anyone and everyone who might benefit. May God bless you all with an amazing year!

  8. This is great thanks for sharing it.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I'm going to be watching these from Netflix, too. Thanks so much for compiling this list!

    2. Tawnya, This is so fabulous! Thank you sooo much! Would you mind if I add this onto the blog post to be sure everyone sees it?

    3. No problem. I did email you and ask if you could delete this post. Didnt mean to put my email address on it. I posted it below too.

    4. Thanks for the list. My daughter is watching them on Netflix now. She was excited when I told her I was getting these.

  10. Cannot tell you how excited I am, & I haven't even pulled it up yet! I purchased TMSB from Amazon this summer for a steal! So glad I did, & so glad I ran across a link to this ~THANKS FOR SHARING :)

  11. Thank you sooooo much for all your hard work!! This looks amazing...

  12. I am super excited to try this out with my 5 year old and 2 year old twins! I am more excited because they are all on Netflix! I went though and labeled which Season and Episode they are all on for any other Netflix users out there:

    Gets Ants in its Pants: S1-E12
    Hops Home: S1-E5
    Gets Swamped: S4-E4
    In the City: S4-E12
    In the Rainforest: S3-E12
    Takes a Dive: S4-E11
    All Dried Up: S1-E7
    Cold Feet: S2-E12
    Going Batty: S2-E9
    Spins a Web: S3-E2
    Gets Ready, Set Dough: S1-E9
    Meets Molly Cule: S3-E2
    In the Artic: S3-E1
    Bright Idea: S3-E5
    In the Haunted House: S1-E8
    Makes a Stink: S4-E10
    Gets Eaten: S1-E4
    For Lunch: S1-E2
    Inside Ralphie: S1-E3
    Flexes Its Muscles: S2-E2
    Goes Cellular: S4-E5
    Works Out: S3-E9
    Lost in Space: S1-E1
    Out of this World: S2-E11
    Sees Stars: S4:E7
    Gains Weight: S4-E8
    Under Construction: S3-E3
    Getting Energized: S2-E10
    Gets Charged S4-E9
    Goes on Air: S4-E3
    Cracks a Yolk: S4-E1
    Rocks and Rolls: S3-E13
    Meets the Rot Squad: S1-E6
    Gets Planted: S3-E11

    1. Awesome! Do you know if they are subtitled please?

    2. I am not sure, I've never tried on netflix

    3. A friend of mine checked and yes, they are. :)

    4. Thank you for adding this!!

    5. Oh goodness! Thank you so much for this, both of you ladies! I'm sure my kids will love this. They love the MSB! :)

    6. Discovery Education has the Magic School Bus episodes and some are closed captioned.

  13. Thank you so much for this!! You just save me a TON of work! <3

  14. Password protected or encrypted... that's the message I get when I try to open the file?

    1. I found I had to download a viewer file as I don't have the proper excel program... It was a FREE download from a microsoft site:

      Once I had that downloaded, it opened just fine! Thanks for sharing your hard work!

    2. OpenOffice is a free opensource program like Microsoft Office. It has a writing program (like Word), a database (like Access), spreadsheet like Excel). It also allows you to open files made with Microsoft Office.

  15. This looks awesome! I don't have an updated version of, when I downloaded it it said I may be missing information. I have a total of 34 weeks - 8/26-5/12 and columns A-I. Would that be correct? Thank you!

    1. Yep, Lynne. That's all of it. Please let me know if you have any issues and I can email you the file directly if necessary. Hope you enjoy it!

    2. Thank you! I'll let you know!

  16. Thank you so much for being so kind as to share your hard work!! It's ladies like you that keep me inspired to homeschool!

  17. Thanks so much for being willing to share this! It had to have been a lot of work and is very much appreciated:-)

  18. This is wonderful! Thank you so much. And for anyone without Netflix a lot of Magic School Bus episodes are in full on youtube.

  19. Thank you for sharing. My daughter will enjoy these.

  20. Is this available in PDF format? i do not have Excel and cannot open the file.

    1. You can download open office which is free and can open Office files like Word and Excel.

  21. Are the netflix videos streamed or do they have all these as dvds?

  22. This looks so good!! Thank you for sharing all your hard work!!
    Donna T
    in TX

  23. This looks so great! My son LOVES Magic Schoolbus. I appreciate all the hard work you did to put this together--thank you!

  24. Thank you so much for sharing this!!! My sister found you and shared it with me this morning. I am sooooo excited! You are truly a blessing!!!!

    There were only 2 in the Brainpop column that actually had a link.....was that just a problem on my computer or was that intended? I have never heard of Brainpop before so it may be something obvious that I am missing ;)

    THank you again!!!!!

    1. Ha! Actually you're right. I only listed the titles to search for on the BrainPop site instead of direct links. My computer makes me login each time and then bumps me to a main screen so outside links didn't work. The couple of links that are in the column are because those videos are NOT from BrainPop. Hope that helps!

  25. downloading it now. thanks! :) we've used MSB for some lapbooks and the kids LOVED it.

    excited to look through this :) you're sweet to post it

  26. This is so very exciting! We can't wait to use it to supplement our science this year. Thanks for sharing! :)

  27. Thank you so much for all your hard work! I've been wanting to do something like this but have not had the time. So I really appreciate you sharing it with all of us :) Thanks again for being a blessing!

  28. Words cannot express!!!!! Thank you forever and to overflowing!!!!!!

  29. This looks great! Thanks for sharing your hard work! We bought the set of DVDs as well, so it will be great to have lesson plans to go with them.

  30. Thank you so much for sharing your hard work. This looks great and I love how easy/user friendly your document is. Very comprehensive and a great resource!
    Thank you again.:)

  31. This is a great resource! Thanks for sharing your hard work with us.

  32. Hi! I was so excited to see this this morning. I downloaded the file but the links are not working. I have Excel. What do you think is wrong? I would appreciate it if you can send me an email at Thank you very much!

  33. Thank you! I am not using a box curriculum this year and I can use all the support I can get. This will be a very helpful addition to my resources.

  34. This is amazing!! Thanks for sharing!!

  35. This is awesome! I hope to use them! I just need to know if the DVDs or Netflix are subtitled? Do you know? Please? If not, can you check PLEASE? Thank you!

  36. You rock! Im so following your blig to learn what other cool things you do. :-)

  37. Thank you for this! We did a Dino unit and used their Dno Book, episode and kit so i'm excited to do more!

  38. Hi! This sounds amazing but I am having trouble opening the file. I am using Firefox & Internet Explorer and neither will open it. Is there any way for you to email the file to me as well? We are using The Magic School Bus & The Young Scientist Club for science. I think this would be an amazing addition. My email address is

  39. Thank for this wonderful freebie! My son is 2nd grade and this will come in handy since he really likes Magic School Bus.

  40. Thank you so much for sharing this. We are using Magic School Bus for science this year and it will be great to have more ideas!

  41. My 2nd grade son also loves Magic School Bus. This will add some fun to our school day! Thank you for sharing your hard work.

  42. Your hard work is appreciated. It helps all us it. Thank you so much.

  43. Thank you! I plan to use parts (if not all) of this for sure! Looks great!

  44. Thank you! This looks wonderful! Blessings!

  45. Thanks! We watch the shows on YouTube and also purchased some of the science kits when they were running their 50% off sale. This will fit in perfectly with what we are studying this year. Thanks a ton!

  46. Oh my word, this is awesome! Thank you so much for offering this free. I am using Hearts of Dakota, but due to my son's love of science want to beef it up. This is perfect.

  47. I downloaded the file & opened it in a suite calledmpolaris office. It looks fabulous, however I cannot get the links to work. It keps giving me the error of "protected file cannot modify." Am I doing something wrong? Thanks again for all of your hard work and graciousness in sharing! Jamie

    1. Hmm? I wonder if it's the program? The file is protected so it cannot be edited, but the links are still active. I have opened it in LibreOffice and the links worked. You could try that? It is available for free at Please let me know if it doesn't work and I'll stick with you till it does :)

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. Thanks! I'll definitely be referring to this plan this year!

  50. I was able to get the file downloaded, so if you can just delete my previous post, that'd be great, thanks. Can't wait to use this w/the girls and eventually the boys when they're old enough!

  51. Thank you so much for sharing! I was already planning to use MSB as our curriculum base for science this year, and now I have a guide!

  52. Thank you. I was going to do a different science curric. online this year but this looks much more fun. May combing both. Who knows. The only thing is that I am having trouble finding some of the books at the library, which surprises me. I guess I just have to go with different books. But this all looks great. Thank you so much for sharing.

  53. First year hschooling and my boys LOVE MSB. So excited to supplement with this!! Thanks!! The only thing (and might be because I am on a MAC) is that the links are highlighted in blue, but I can't seem to open them. *Any* help would be appreciated. :)

    1. Hello Jaime! Welcome to the homeschooling family! If you'll send me an email (click the Email Me button on the blog page) I will send you an unprotected file and see if that fixes the problem with the links.

  54. Thanks,
    I have been looking for a science program for my kids. I just bought the set of these DVD's. So excited to try this out.

  55. You are TOO kind! Thank you for your hard work. My boys will enjoy these for sure!

  56. Thank you so much for sharing your science program! It is so well done and my kids are going to love it!

  57. Looks fantastic! Thank you for sharing with us!

  58. Wow, this is fantastic! We love the MSB show and books and use them to supplement our unit studies! This will definitely come in handy!

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I just downloaded your hard work. Thank you! Just yesterday I realized that I didn't want to spend a ton of time on structured science in our homeschool but preferred to follow the kids' interests. This is a little of both for our early years!

    Kate in NH

  61. Thank you for sharing!!! My kids LOVE MSB!

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Thank you for sharing...the kids are going to love this.

  64. Im trying to download the file but its not allowing me to open it. Can you email the link? Ive even downloaded the update excel and viewer that another person suggested. Please help. My boys are very excited about starting this. Thanks for your help.

  65. Wow! Thanks for all your hard work! This looks amazing!!!

  66. Bummer!!! I'm not able to download the file for some reason. I appreciate that you've put all this together and have shared it with everyone...hopefully I can get it to work somehow!

  67. I will be checking this out. My 5 year old has been asking about science and wants to do more in that subject. Thank you for sharing.

  68. Thank you for sharing this. It looks like a lot of fun.

  69. Wow! My kids love MSB and I really wanted to use them for science, but wasn't sure where to start. Thank you for this wonderful resource!!

  70. We just featured the link to your resource in our Ultimate Magic School Bus Collection!

    Great work, and blessings on your homeschool.

  71. I downloaded the excel sheet from TPT and I can open it but the links within the sheet don't open. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks my email is

  72. I love this! however, I can not find any "free" things at TPT, can you help me know what to search for?

  73. I just had to add my thanks for sharing this!! My 1st and 3rd grader are going to love this!

  74. This is great. With the steal on MSB DVDs, I had planned to do something similar. Thanks for compiling this.

  75. My girls love MSB and have watched them alot. This is so great that you posted this. Will be using it this year for science.

  76. Thank you so much for sharing this. We have been watching the Magic school bus episodes as related to what we are studying in science.....the experiment ideas you included are awesome!

  77. Thank you so much for sharing I was having the same problem with science for my 3! this will be awesome!

  78. Wow! Thank you for sharing! I already have the dvds.:)

  79. IT IS Genuinely Very Useful FOR ME.I LIKE YOUR Put up Simply because IT IS Very Useful FOR ME AS Effectively. HOPING THE Exact same Best Operate IN THE UP COMING Times ALSO. THANK YOU!

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  80. I downloaded however I can not click on the links for each lesson and day. I have no idea what to do, aside from guess by the title. Help?

    1. There is a menu tab at the top of my blog called MSB Science Plans. I am in the process of posting all the same information there. The first 8-9 weeks are already up so you can access the links directly there! :) Enjoy!

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!

  83. I love this! But...I can't figure out how to open? a book once I get to harperscollins, am I suppose to but it? Sorry for such a weird question. I love the MSB, and can't wait to do Going Batty this month.

  84. Wow! I love this! Thank you for sharing this gem!! <3 You rock Momma - your son is VERY lucky to call you his teacher - hoping my 3rd grade son enjoys the content as well :D

  85. I can't wait to begin teaching science with this new resource! Thanks for sharing.

  86. This is very kind! I'm going to share it with my homeschooling families! Thank you for your generosity!!

  87. Thank you for all your hard work!! I can not wait to start this!!!!

  88. Wow, this is awesome. I have taught a MSB co-op class and was thinking it was time to do it again. This gives me some new ideas :)

  89. Thank you for spending the time to do this. Can't wait to start.

  90. Thank you very much!

  91. Thank you so much for this!!!!

  92. Thank you! This is exactly what I've been looking for!!

  93. what a blessing for my homeschoolers here in miami! cant wait to try it out being that we have netflix! cant wait to snoop around on your blog it looks too cute! i needed this, being pregnant with 3 little ones running around makes it tough to plan, this made my life easier. thank you a million times!

  94. So glad to have found this! I have been searching for something for my almost-1st grader to use for science next year. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Thank you, my kids will love this!

  97. I am having trouble downloading; it says "unable to run because of missing or corrupted files". Thoughts on how to fix this? Would love to use this for science for my rising 1st grader.

  98. Thank you SO much! This is exactly what I was looking for, and was thinking I'd have to create myself. I'll thrilled not to have to do so! This is going to be the core of our science curriculum next year for my MSB-loving kids. (Who, BTW, are currently "discussing" which episode to watch next. :-) ) Thanks again, and great job!

  99. My kids love Magic School Bus! This looks like a fun way to teach them the science concepts the show introduces. Thank you!

  100. Where is the free file? When I go to the link, I just see where you need to purchase them.

  101. Thank you for this! My almost 6 year old son is going to love this in the upcoming year!

  102. Thank you!! I just came across this and am planning to use it for fall. It looks waaaay more fun and interesting than what I had planned :) Thanks for sharing!!!

  103. muchisimas gracias por esta excelente idea!!

  104. Do you have any suggestions if the links wont open? They appear blue and underlined like a link normally does, but i cant click on them. Thank you so incredibly much for all of your hard work on this and sharing it with us.

  105. This is my very first year of homeschooling. I'll be homeschooling my seven year old son and knowing I have this to help me with science has calm all my anxieties of homeschooling. Thank you for all your hard work!

  106. Thank you for sharing. OCEAN WAVES BOTTLE link opens, but the video doesn't work. Also PARTS OF A SPIDER FORM, POP BOTTLE COMPOST, AND PLANT LEAF EXPERIMENT links do not work. We appreciate you taking the time to put this together and share it with us. Excited to use it.

  107. It's fool proof, not full proof :)

  108. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I just wrote down the titles off of Netflix earlier this week. What perfect timing! :)

  109. Fantastic!! Thank you, thank you!!

  110. I SO want this! My kids would love it. We already try to use MSB with our curriculum. However it says I have to login/sign up and everytime I click that it takes me to a blank page. I have tried on both of my computers now. :(

  111. Thanks so much for putting this together! My first grader will love this!

  112. Using for a 1st grader, thank you for sharing your hard work with us!

  113. Thank you, this is a wonderful resource. I've started using it with my daughter this year and she really loves it.

    1. Is it possible for you to share this with me? I cannot get it to open correctly because it goes to a tpt store that doesn't have it listed. I would appreciate if you could share it here so others can use it since this is a really old post but still relevant today. :)

  114. Hi! We will be using this for our son (6 almost 7) and daughter (4 almost 5)! Thank you so much for doing this for us! They are 2 of our 4 kids. Our oldest is on the gifted-side and is on an accelerated track. Planning assignments and finding curriculum that doesn't bore him takes a lot of my time. Our youngest is almost 2 and busy busy busy! So our 2 middles end up getting "homeschool scraps." I'm working on teaching to them and their strengths this year! I'm determined! They love Magic Schoolbus and we've been getting the kits. With these plans, I'll be able to give them a structured lesson that I'm sure they will be appreciate! Thanks again from the bottom of our hearts!

  115. I am unable to open an excel file? Any chance this could be offered as a pdf?

  116. This sounds AMAZING & FUN!!! I can not wait to start second grade with my daughter <3 Thank you soooo much for your hard work and generosity in sharing this <3

  117. This is AMAZING! so excited to have this resource this year for science for my second and fifth graders (plus my preschooler and toddler will love the videos as well). I can't say Thank you enough for the work you have put into this.

  118. I know this post is old, but thank you! This is so awesome. Going to be using this for my 1st grader.

  119. Wow!! So its my first year and I have tried two other programs not working out. I think this would be a fun way to do science will it work for my 3rd grader or do I need to do something different? I just want to make sure she stays up with her level in school in case she ever has to go back. Any help would be great!!!!

  120. We are using this curriculum and have been so far this year. We LOVE it and I'll be so sad when the year is over. Perhaps I'll put it some hours this summer and make one like it for the following year. Thank you!!!

  121. Thanks!! Hoping to start using some of this soon.

  122. Great article. Thanks for sharing this. my friend was searching for form name several days ago and discovered a document management site with an online forms database . If others have been needing IRS 1040 - Schedule E as well , here's a irs form schedule e 2013

  123. Thanks for sharing this--I am teaching a co-op class this spring that I hadn't planned for; I think this might save me!!

  124. My son just discovered MSB books, and we have amazing discussions throughout! I finally googled "lesson plans MSB" and came across your website. Its PERFECT for getting him immersed in a variety of scientific themes without overwhelming him (he is just 5, but extremely explorative). Your plans offer simple projects that wet his appetite for good science, and open up a world around him without being exhausting for me to plan and execute. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

  125. They are all also on Discovery education website for free. Thanks for all this great work!

  126. God bless you for such an AWESOME resource! I am loving this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  127. We have a small group of school kids coming to Daycare this summer. We just purchased the whole set of DVD's and plan to use them all this summer. Thanks for all your work with the organized lessons. We are going to have so much fun!

  128. Hi, I don't have microsoft office and can't get the file to open, is there a way you could save it as a PDF and send it to me?

    1. You can open open it using OPEN Office, it's like Microsoft Office, but free :) That's how I did it. Hope it helps!

  129. Thank you so much for this resource. We already watch these often as part of science. I felt like I needed just a little something more. This makes me feel more confident. The additional reading and writing assignments are great!

  130. I just downloaded this but cannot view it. :(
    Is there a PDF version?

  131. I'm not sure if I'm missing something. Whenever I click on the link it just takes me to the Teachers Pay Teachers website with nothing about Magic School Bus in sight. I'd really like to take a look at this curriculum. Help please.

  132. I'd love to view this but the link takes me to Teachers Pay Teachers and searching within your store I don't see it available. Is there a different link I should be clicking on? Thank you in advance!

  133. When I click the link, it takes me to teaches pay teachers and not the Excel sheet. Is there any way to get the Excel sheet?

  134. I would love to have this resource. I am willing to purchase it from you if you are no longer sharing it free. Will you make this available again, please?

  135. I would love a copy of the curriculum and I'd be happy to pay for it. Any chance?

  136. i cant get this either. takes me to tpt but not a single msb link on that page

  137. Hello, can you make this available? Thank you!

  138. Yeah, this is still trending on pinterest but no way to download it. Can you email it to those who want it?

  139. I'm just posting to be notified of a reply, as I would love to have this resource as well. Thank you!

  140. The Homeschool Belle provided a link in the Q & A section of her Teachers Pay Teachers page. Here it is:

  141. Good post! Thank you very much for this information. As you learn how to make your mouse drag click, if you want to learn more about the advantages of Drag Test and Drag Clicking, go to Best Mouse Drag Test or Drag click Test

  142. This is incredible! Sharing with all my friends that have young kids. Thank you so much!

  143. It says the file has been deleted. I would love to look through what you have created and decide if it is something f that would work for our family. Thank you!


  144. Hi! Is this file still available?

  145. I am wondering if this file is still available as well.

  146. Hi i know this is an older page but i happened to come across it. this sounds very interesting, and think my little man would be in to this. but the link says it been deleted. Anyway you could post it again. Thank you so very much
