
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had each side of the family over separately - two days in a row. Let's just say, I'm really set on turkey for a while! 

I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. Whew! One more gift to buy and then I can break out the wrapping paper. I don't know about you, but Christmas always seems to come before I've even mentally accepted that it's the end of the year. Any one else a little shocked that 2012 is nearing an end ALREADY?!? Well, since I'm sure your funds, just like mine, are tapped out on holiday spending, maybe you've put filling some curriculum needs on hold for a while. Well, I've found a freebie I thought I'd share... ok, spoiler alert: 2 freebies!


The website says: this "is a 100-lesson computer program designed for children who have not learned beginning math operations."

Included are "100 animated, computer-based lessons, workbook material, a teaching guide, and a placement test for assessing the child. The program is unique in the sophistication of skills it teaches in only 100 lessons. Children learn different types of counting. They use counting by tens and counting by ones to solve addition problems that traditionally require carrying. For example: 45+35.

Signing up for the free download is simple. All you do is fill out a form and submit it. You will then receive an email with all instructions on how to receive the program."

And BONUS: Their fantastic Funnix Beginning Reading program will also be available FREE from December 16 - December 31

Make sure you check out these great programs - after all, you can't go wrong trying something for free! 

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